We're back!
To support the goverment’s mandate to curb the transmission of COVID-19
we had to close our Experience Center from March to August 31.
Now that we’re back and ready to serve you. we’d like to support the
REBOOT of your skincare routine.
We’re sure that during the lockdown, your routine was messed up.
So let us lend a help hand to get you restarted!
Who doesn’t want healthy skin?
Let's celebrate together.
Enjoy a special discount to October 10 to November 10.
We’re not only giving you a discount but an experience to remember.
Purchase a Serum and Treatments Products
and Get 50% off on Sunscreens, Toners,
Cleansers & Exfoliators.
Look! There's more
offers below!
If there’s a bundle you’re used to buying,
we’d like to help you buy it with a discount.
Rejuvenate &
Repair Package
It’s human nature to always push one’s limits-often resulting to overwork. Long days, weeks, months and years pass while striving to achieve goals, thus forgetting to take care of one’s self in the process.
Our skin cells need water to remain healthy and plump. If they are unable to keep the necessary amount of water inside, they begin to deflate and become dehydrated.
Skin sensitivity develops because of a weak skin barrier which makes the skin vulnerable to different negative skin reactions. Acne, rosacea, allergies and stings top the list.
Our body is smart. It has its own natural defense mechanism to combat changes around or within us-from temperature, environment or changes due to stress and hormone levels.
Wrinkle Prevention
& Control
Contrary to the popular belief, wrinkle care shouldn’t only be addressed when wrinkles show. It should be addressed early to slow down the process at one’s current age. This package ensures that the first signs of aging before 30s are taken cared off.
Deep Cleansing
for Sensitive Skin
Whether pores are open or clogged, the same thing happens-either too much unhealthy microorganisms can enter our pores or those that need to be removed can’t, thus remaining trapped and irritating the pores.
Deep Cleansing
for Resistant Skin
A number of skin irritants exist in today’s environment – cosmetic powders, dust and dirt. Double cleansing is no longer a frivolity but a necessity.
This set includes a natural cleanser that stimulates natural oil generation and a mask-based exfoliator to help get rid of closed comedones and unwanted particles on the pores.
Acne and Age
Spots Repair
Unwanted spots occur in our skin because of age, sun damage or pimple scar marks. These spots normally start with smaller unnoticeable ones until they multiply and become out of control.
This set builds skin immunity with an anti-oxidant while working on soothing and lightening age and acne spots. Sunscreen is another must to protect you from further damage.
Exfoliation and
Cell Renewal
Depending on your skin cell cycle, new skin cells are generated and pushed towards the topmost layer of skin. While our skin naturally sheds, there are particles or dead skin that is left behind.
This set stimulates the tiny bonds that allow dead skin cells to cling on live ones to be dissolved, thus a better skin regeneration cycle results.
Lift, Tighten
and Firm
Notice the heavy and deep eye bags, sagging jaw and cheeks; and crow’s feet on your eyes? It’s a must to double time on firming up the skin cells on your face now!