When your skin feels dry, it’s a sign that it needs a boost of hydration. Hyaluronic acid, a fantastic skincare ingredient, retains water well; that’s why it is found in various skincare products such as moisturizers, lotions, and serums. 

Hyaluronic acid is an effective ingredient in skincare products because of its ability to deeply hydrate, improve skin texture, and promote a healthier and more radiant complexion. It is also good for wound healing and treatment of dry eyes. 

The unique structure of hyaluronic acid allows it to have exceptional water-holding capacity. It can absorb and retain a significant amount of water. This allows moisture maintenance and hydrates tissues like the skin and joints. 

What is the primary source of hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in various parts of the human body. It is particularly found in the skin, eyes, and joints, keeping the tissues moist and lubricated. 

However, our body stores hyaluronic acid in smaller amounts as we age. So, to keep the body’s quick response to injury and dehydration, you need to pack in more amount of this acid. 

You can get hyaluronic acid from certain foods containing nutrients that boost its production. Some examples are bone broth, oranges, tofu, kale, and almonds. 

Hyaluronic acid is also available in oral supplements, injections, and topical products to boost your skin’s hydration. So, creams and serums with hyaluronic acid are effective ways to improve skin hydration, remedy skin issues, and promote wound healing. 

What is Hyaluronic Acid? Know the benefits of this superstar ingredient.

Is Hyaluronic Acid Safe?

Not just because it’s a popular skincare ingredient, you will also use the products containing these ingredients. However, hyaluronic acid is considered a safe ingredient for the skin. 

Over-the-counter hyaluronic acid serums and other products are safe and do not cause adverse reactions. It is best to consult with a skin aesthetician to ensure you have a suitable skincare ingredient or product.

Hyaluronic acid is lightweight and non-greasy, making it suitable for all skin types, including oily and acne-prone. Its gooey, slippery form makes it easy to apply and does not leave the skin feeling heavy or oily.

How does hyaluronic acid work?

There are different factors why there’s a decline in how our body stores hyaluronic acid. Age and the environment, such as pollution, have their effects too. Lifestyle and habits such as smoking are not suitable as well.

Seven bad skincare habits that are ruining your skin. Know and learn to achieve youthful skin.

So, you must help hydrate your skin through topical hyaluronic acid products. Whether in the form of a moisturizer or serum, this skincare ingredient superstar packs many benefits.

1. Deep Hydration

The primary function of hyaluronic acid is to act as a humectant, which attracts water from the deep layers of the skin and delivers it to the skin’s surface. Thus, it provides hydration and keeps the skin plump and moisturized. 

When the top layer of the skin is dehydrated, it appears rough, flaky, and dry. Having this kind of skin makes it more vulnerable to damage and irritation. 

Hyaluronic acid is a go-to ingredient for most moisturizing skincare products because of its moisture-binding properties. It brings water to the outermost layer of skin to keep it from getting dry and prone to skin issues. 

Aqua Makeup Remover not only removes makeup and oil-soluble dirt from your face, but it also softens and moisturizes the skin. 

Aqua Makeup Remover not only removes makeup and soil soluble dirt from your face. It also softens and moisturizes the skin.

2. Anti-Aging

Hyaluronic acid helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by retaining moisture. It gives the skin a smoother and more youthful look. When the skin is well hydrated, better skin cell production occurs, leading to smoother and plumper skin. 

Combating and reversing the signs of aging can be aided by using skincare products with hyaluronic acid. 

One of the areas of your face that will show early signs of aging is the area around the eye, so you need to keep the skin supple and hydrated. Over-the-counter anti-wrinkle creams with hyaluronic acid can decrease by 10-20% wrinkles around the eyes and lips. 

Skin elasticity and firmness can also improve as hyaluronic acid stimulates collagen production. Production of collagen, a protein that provides structural support to the skin, declines with age. So, with the aid of hyaluronic acid, collagen synthesis is boosted to improve skin health. 

What are age spots?

Age spots, or liver spots, are small dark patches that typically appear on the skin as people age. Skin that gets lots of sun exposure, such as hands, shoulders, and face. 

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun or tanning beds can cause age spots. UV rays can accelerate melanin production, the pigment responsible for skin color.  Over time, this excess melanin can clump together, forming age spots. 

While age spots are generally considered harmless, they can be a cosmetic concern for some individuals. Hyaluronic acid combined with vitamin C can be found in topical creams that remedy age spots.  

Other treatments are also available, such as chemical peels and laser therapy. Consulting with a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment is essential. 

3. Enhanced Skin Texture

Hyaluronic acid can improve the skin’s texture and elasticity. With regular use, the skin appears firmer and supple. 

Its ability to hold water gives it a volumizing effect. When applied topically or in dermal filler, hyaluronic acid can fill wrinkles and fine lines, providing a smoother and more youthful appearance. 

Nuit Hydrating (H) Pre Serum penetrates and hydrates the skin on the inside, making H serum the answer to your parched, dry skin. It also builds skin immunity with antioxidants that help reduce fine lines and have plump and firm skin 

Nuit Hydrating (H) Pre Serum penetrates and hydrates the skin on the inside, making H serum the answer to your parched, dry skin.

4. Calming and Soothing

You need hyaluronic acid if you want a skincare ingredient to soothe and calm irritated skin. One of the primary causes of skin irritation is dryness. When the skin lacks proper moisture, it can become red, itchy, and more susceptible to irritation. 

Hyaluronic acid is a powerful humectant, increasing the skin’s moisture level. Having improved hydration soothes dry, irritated skin. 

This superstar ingredient is especially beneficial for skin conditions aggravated by inflammation.  Hyaluronic acid has natural anti-inflammatory properties, helping reduce redness and swelling when one experiences dermatitis or sunburn. 

The cell renewal process is also enhanced with hyaluronic acid’s extra hydration and protection. This leads to healthier skin, less susceptible to outbreaks, and more vibrant complexion.  

5. Improved Skin Barrier

The epidermis, the top layer of the skin, protects the body from harmful toxins that bombard us daily. However, the lipid barrier, a fatty acid that protects the skin from damage and traps in water, slows down as we age. 

Another benefit of hyaluronic acid is how it helps strengthen the skin’s natural barrier function. It slows down water from evaporating from the skin and remedies skin conditions such as dry skin, atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis. 

When your skin barrier is not intact, it leaves your skin vulnerable to bacteria and other external factors. Your skin must be protected from external pollutants and environmental stressors like UV radiation.

Having sunscreen handy protects your skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation. Wear 

Premium Sunscreen UV Protection Cream SPF30 daily and apply it often to prevent skin damage. 

Wear Premium Sunscreen UV Protection Cream SPF30 daily and apply it often to prevent skin damage.

6. Heal Skin Injuries

The skin’s natural repair process gets support from hyaluronic acid in healing wounds. For people with eye and joint injuries, hyaluronic acid is a proven remedy to heal wounds. But it is also effective in healing skin injuries and reducing scar appearance. 

Hyaluronic acid plays a crucial role in tissue regeneration, especially when repairing the skin, so if you have burns, lesions, and other wounds, this ingredient is a popular medicinal treatment. 

Is Hyaluronic Acid good for treating dry eyes?

The eye contains a transparent and gel-like substance called vitreous humor. This is composed mainly of hyaluronic acid that gives the eyes its volume and shape. It also helps in having a clear vision. 

Over time, though, the eye can experience dryness. Dry eyes can be related to age or hormonal imbalance, especially in menopausal women. Your diet, environment, or disease can cause eye dryness, too. 

30% of the adult population is affected with dry eyes syndrome. This syndrome is caused by the inflammation of the tear gland, making one experience constant itching, redness, or burning sensation. Some can have blurry vision or sensitivity to the light. 

Since hyaluronic acid is good at retaining water, this ingredient is well-known and safe to treat dry eyes

How to spot Hyaluronic Acid in your skincare products

Before buying any skincare products, make it a habit to check the ingredients. This is to know if it contains ingredients you may be allergic to or unsuitable for your skin type. 

As for hyaluronic acid, this term also appears on the label as it is an ingredient that skincare companies want to highlight to attract users to their products. However, it can also go with other names, such as Sodium Hyaluronate, Hyaluronan, and Glycoaminoglycan. 

Hyaluronic acid is a popular ingredient in skincare products, such as serums, moisturizers, and masks, due to its ability to provide deep hydration and promote healthier, more radiant skin. So, next time you buy skincare products, check if they contain this superstar ingredient.

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